If you’re ready to live the Airstream life but not ready to upsize your tow vehicle, Bambi is the perfect fit. Most Bambi models are light enough to tow with an SUV, simple to maneuver, and easy to fit into smaller campground spots. Plus, you’ll still have all the comforts of home following you everywhere you go.

The galley kitchen has all the appliances you need, thoughtfully arranged according to the way you’ll use them. The dinette doubles as lounging space and even transforms into extra sleeping space. And the bathroom gives you space to get clean without having to sacrifice space elsewhere in the trailer. Every inch of the Bambi is thoughtfully created to meet all of your needs on the road.

Bambi owners get the best of both worlds: a small, lightweight travel trailer and the iconic Airstream curved aluminum design. It makes a statement wherever you go and, more importantly, lasts a lifetime. Or more.